目的 探讨幽门螺杆菌( Helicobacter pylori,Hp)感染小鼠的免疫应答状况。方法 建立Hp 经口感染无菌小鼠的动物模型,设立感染免疫组、感染对照组与免疫对照组3 组,分别进行试验。结果 感染免疫组抗Hp 的特异性IgG有显著增高(其中以IgG1 为主,IgG2a 增长较少),且该组小鼠胃中的Hp 菌数大量减少。结论 此种免疫应答以体液免疫为主,细胞免疫所占比例很少,不能彻底清除小鼠胃中的Hp。
Aim To study the immune response of Helicobacter pylori(Hp)infection in mice Methods Three administration tests were carried out with Hp-infection group and control group by using germ-free mouse model Results The specific antibody levels of IgG increased rapidly(mostly in IgG 1 not in IgG 2a ),the specific immune response could reduce the number of Hp obtained from the stomach of administration mice group Conclusion The immune response increased mostly in humoral immunity not in cell-mediated immunity,the administration could not eradicate the Hp
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses