
左心室-主动脉偶联在难治性感染性休克复苏中的意义 被引量:5

Left ventricular-arterial coupling in the resuscitation of refractory septic shock
摘要 目的探讨左心室-主动脉偶联在难治性感染性休克复苏中的意义。方法回顾分析2010年1月至2011年7月北京协和医院重症医学科收治的难治性感染性休克患者58例。根据28d生存状况分存活组和死亡组,记录初始及治疗24h后血流动力学参数、动脉血乳酸、APACHEⅡ评分及28d生存状况。结果死亡组初始及24h点APACHEⅡ评分,24h有效主动脉弹性/左心室收缩末弹性变化值(AEa/Ees)高于存活组,乳酸清除率(rLac)低于存活组,差异有统计学意义。二分类Logistic回归分析,AEa/Ees是难治性感染性休克患者死亡的独立危险因素,且OR值高于APARCHEⅡ评分(2.0比1.6),ROC曲线下面积为0.705(95%C10.569—0.841,P=0.007)。ΔEa/Ees〉0组24h点心输出量、每搏量、EGDT达标率及rLac低于ΔEa/Ees≤0组,28d病死率高于后者,差异均有统计学意义。AEa/Ees与△心指数、△心搏指数和rLac呈负相关。结论AEa/Ees具有良好的评估难治性感染性休克预后的作用,降低Ea/Ees对EGDT达标、乳酸清除及生存状况改善有积极意义。 Objective To explore the role of left ventricular-arterial coupling in the resuscitation of refractory septic shock. Methods A total of 58 patients with refractory septic shock admitted from January 2010 to July 2011 were retrospectively studied. Hemodynamic data, arterial lactate concentration and APACHE I1 ( acute physiology & chronic health evaluation ]] ) score at the beginning of and 24 hours after cardiac output monitoring, as well as the outcome of Day 28 post-diagnosis were recorded. Stroke volume index (SVI), cardiac index (CI) and global end diastolic volume index (GEDVI) were obtained through transpulmonary thermodilution technique by a pulse induced continuous cardiac output (PiCCO) system. Left ventricular end systolic volume index (LVESVI) was approximated to (GEDVI/4-SVI) while effective arterial elastance index/ventricular end systolic elastance index (Ea I/Ees I ) was approximated to LVESVI/SVI. Results ( 1 ) APACHE Ⅱ score at the 24th hour, 24 hs lactate clearance rate and 24 hs Ea/ Ees variation (AEa/Ees) were higher in non-survivors than those in survivors; (2) binary Logistic regression analysis showed that AEa/Ees and APACHE ]I score at the 24th hour were the independent risk factors of mortality for refractory septic shock. And the OR value of AEa/Ees was higher than that of APACHE Ⅱ score (2. 04 vs 1.63 ). Their areas of ROC curve were 0. 705 ( 95% CI 0. 569 - 0. 841, P = 0. 007 ) and 0. 939 (95 % CI 0. 878 - 1. 000, P = 0. 000) respectively ; ( 3 ) all hemodynamic parameters at the beginning had no difference between ΔEa/Ees 〉 0 and AEa/Ees ≤0 groups. CI, SVI, EGDT (early goal- directed therapy) compliance rate at the 24th hour in the ΔEa/Ees 〉 0 group were lower than those in the ΔEa/Ees ≤0 group. The effective arterial elastance index (Ea I ) at the 24th hour and the mortality rate of Day 28 in the ΔEa/Ees 〉0 group were higher than those in the ΔEa/Ees≤0 group; (4) during the 24 hs treatment, AEa/Ees was correlated negatively with the variations of CI, SVI, Ees I and lactate clearance rate and positively with the variations of heart rate, GEDVI, systolic vascular resistance index and Ea Ⅰ. Conclusion ΔEa/Ees may be used as an excellent marker of predicting the outcome of refractory septic shock. Lowing Ea/Ees in resuscitation has beneficial effects on EGDT compliance, lactate clearance and outcome.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第15期1012-1016,共5页 National Medical Journal of China
关键词 休克 脓毒性 复苏术 左心室-主动脉偶联 iShock, septic Resuscitation Ventrieular-arterial coupling
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