
地基望远镜塔台圆顶结构形式及设计原则 被引量:4

Structure types and design principles of ground-based telescope enclosures
摘要 综述了地基望远镜塔台圆顶的作用及功能,给出了台址选择的基本原则。介绍了国外典型塔台圆顶的结构型式、工作特点和适用环境,以3.67 m口径先进光电系统望远镜塔台圆顶为例,分析了圆顶内热控措施的特点,从而提出了现代望远镜塔台圆顶的热设计指导原则及设计时应考虑的相关因素。最后,对望远镜基墩的设计及分析方法进行了探讨。 This paper reviews the functions of telescope enclosures in brief and summarizes the universal principle of observatory site selection.Then,it introduces the structure types,working characteristics and environmental conditions of typical telescope enclosures at abroad.By taking an enclosure with an aperture of 3.67 m in the advanced electro-optical system as an example,the thermal control scheme for the enclosure is analyzed,and the golden rule and methods of thermal design of modern telescope enclosures are proposed in detail.Furthermore,several kinds of key factors to be taken into account in design are pointed out.Finally,the design and analysis method for telescope piers are also discussed.
作者 张景旭
出处 《中国光学》 EI CAS 2012年第2期126-132,共7页 Chinese Optics
关键词 地基望远镜 塔台 圆顶 基墩 热设计 ground-based telescope tower enclosure foundation pier thermal design
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