1999年我国成品油上半年供过于求 ,油价下滑 ;下半年资源趋紧 ,市场旺销 ,价格大幅升高。90 #和 0 #汽油的平均批发价分别为 2 3 71元 / t和 2 3 1 7元 / t,零售价分别为 2 83 1元 / t和 2 52 7元 / t。2 0 0 0年 ,由于我国将对成品油进口加以限制 ,市场总体资源将逐渐趋于供需平衡。
Oversupply in oil products was seen in the first half of 1999 and the prices had a corresponding drop. In the second half of the year, however, the prices rose by a great margin thanks to the briskness in sales and the tightened supply in resources. The average wholesale price was 2 371 yuan per ton for 90 # gasoline and 2 317 yuan per ton for 0 # diesel, and the retail price was 2 831 yuan per ton for 90 # gasoline and 2 527 yuan per ton for 0 # diesel. Due to the restriction to be conducted to oil product import, the supply and demand of the total market resources will tend to be gradually balanced in China in the year of 2000.
Modern Chemical Industry