
Temperature biases in modeled polar climate and adoption of physical parameterization schemes 被引量:1

Temperature biases in modeled polar climate and adoption of physical parameterization schemes
摘要 An annual cycle of atmospheric variations for 1989 in the Arctic has been simulated with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A severe cold bias was found around a cold center in surface air temperature over the Arctic Ocean, compared with results from ERA-Interim reanalysis. Four successive numerical experiments have been carried out to find out the reasons for this. The results show that the sea ice albedo scheme has the biggest influence in summer, and the effect of the cloud microphysics scheme is significant in both summer and winter. The effect of phase transition between ice and water has the biggest influence over the region near the sea ice edge in summer, and contributes little to improvement of the severe cold bias. The origi- nal crude albedo parameterization in the surface process scheme is the main reason for the large simulated cold bias of the cold center in summer. With a different land surface scheme than in the control run, cold biases of simulated surface air temperature over the Arctic Ocean are greatly reduced, by as much as 10 K, implying that the land surface scheme is critical for polar climate simulation. An annual cycle of atmospheric variations for 1989 in the Arctic has been simulated with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A severe cold bias was found around a cold center in surface air temperature over the Arctic Ocean, compared with results from ERA-Interim reanalysis. Four successive numerical experiments have been carried out to find out the reasons for this. The results show that the sea ice albedo scheme has the biggest influence in summer, and the effect of the cloud microphysics scheme is significant in both summer and winter. The effect of phase transition between ice and water has the biggest influence over the region near the sea ice edge in summer, and contributes little to improvement of the severe cold bias. The origi- nal crude albedo parameterization in the surface process scheme is the main reason for the large simulated cold bias of the cold center in summer. With a different land surface scheme than in the control run, cold biases of simulated surface air temperature over the Arctic Ocean are greatly reduced, by as much as 10 K, implying that the land surface scheme is critical for polar climate simulation.
出处 《Advances in Polar Science》 2012年第1期30-40,共11页 极地科学进展(英文版)
基金 cosponsored by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 40876101) the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant no.2010AA012304)
关键词 polar climate numerical simulation WRF polar climate, numerical simulation, WRF
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