石炼化一联合装置先进控制系统,采用Aspen DMC软件,经过4年的设计与实施工作,已达到预期目标,目前已在装置中应用。先进控制可根据生产任务和生产目标控制生产,工艺计算预测可为生产提供参考。应用结果表明,先进控制系统可以提高装置生产自动化水平,保证产品质量,显著降低成本和增加效益。
By using Aspen DMC software, the advanced control system (APC)in the FCU of Shijiazhuang chemical and refining company has achieved expected target after 4 years' design and implementation,and it has been applied into practice. APC not only controls the production according to the producing task, but also provides a reliable reference after process forecast and calculation.The results showed that APC could improve the unit's automation level, ensure the quality of products. On the other hand, it will reduce the cost and increase benefit.
Hebei Chemical Industry