
松解外眦韧带修复先天性眼睑缺损观察 被引量:4

Clinical observation of relaxing the external canthus ligment in congenital eyelid defect repair
摘要 目的采用松解外眦韧带行眼睑再造术,对先天性眼睑缺损进行修复,评价其在功能修复与外观美容等方面的作用。方法对2例先天性眼睑缺损患者,采用外眦韧带松解再造术,外眦角水平切开,松解外眦韧带上支,眼睑缺损处予以修复,关闭外眦切151,术后随访时间为3-6月,观察其修复形态和闭合程度。结果2例患者术后缺损部位均得到满意修复,睑裂闭合良好,眼睑瞬目功能正常,角膜透明。结论该手术可有效满足先天性眼睑缺损的修复,做到一期手术一期愈合,简化了操作程序,达到功能与外观的完满结合,值得推广。 Objective To repair congenital eyelid defect using relax external canthus ligment in eyelid rebuild method, and to evaluate its usage in eyelid functional repair and appearance cosmetic. Methods The external canthus ligment relaxed rebuild method was used in 2 patients with congenital eyelid defect through a level external canthus incision. The upper branch of the external canthus ligment was relaxed, the defect of eyelid was repaired, and the external canthus incision was closed. The follow-up time after surgery was 3-6 months, the eyelid outlook was observed and the open or close eyelid degree was measured. Results Two patients were all repaired perfectly. The close of palpebral fissure was fine, the function of blinking was normal, and the cornea was transparent. Conclusions This surgery can effectively meet the repair for congenital eyelid defect, first-stage surgery with first-stage healing. The operation process-is simple. It makes a perfect combination of function and appearance.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期475-477,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 外眦韧带 先天性眼睑缺损 眼睑再造 External canthus ligment Congenital eyelid defect Eyelid rebuild
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