
矿用旋流器流场仿真模拟及降尘效果分析 被引量:3

Flow Field Simulation of Mine Cyclone and Analysis on Dust Control Effect
摘要 为了解用于煤矿用设备干式除尘系统的旋流器内部粉尘颗粒运动规律,基于流体动力学方法对旋流器内部气固两相流场进行数值模拟,分别研究粒径10、100和1 000μm粉尘颗粒在旋流器内部运动轨迹。分析结果表明:气动质量颗粒在旋流器内部沿螺旋路径运动,颗粒直径越大被收集率越高;粒径100μm以上的粉尘大多被收集,粒径约10μm的颗粒由排气管道排出。 The mine cyclone is frequently used to the dry dust control system of the mine equipment. In order to understand the movement law of dust particles within the cyclone, the hydrodynamics method was applied to the numerical simulation of the gas and solid two phase flow field within the cyclone and to individually study the moving traces of the dust particles with the diameters of 10, 100 and 1 000 μm within the cyclone. The analysis results showed that the pneumatic particles would move along the spiral path within the cyclone and the higher diameter of the particle dust, the higher collection rate of the dust would be. The particle dust with a diameter over 100μm would be collected mostly and the particle dust with a diameter about 10μm would be discharged from exhaust pipeline.
作者 吴恒建
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期86-87,124,共3页 Coal Science and Technology
基金 山西省青年科技研究基金资助项目(2011021019-2)
关键词 旋流器 流体动力学 数值模拟 粉尘颗粒 降尘 cyclone hydrodynamics numerical simulation dust particle dust control
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