目的通过分析0~18岁人群中最常见的全血微量元素缺乏症的特点,对综合防治体内微量元素缺乏提供依据。方法利用天成TC-3010B型微量元素分析仪对1100例0~18岁人群检测静脉血铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)含量,并对结果进行统计分析。结果 0~18岁人群中微量元素缺乏以缺锌为主,缺乏率达51.2%,其次为铁(25.3%)、钙(6.1%)、铜(1.5%),无镁缺乏人群。在婴儿组(≤1岁)中,锌、铁两种元素含量分别为(56.76±19.36)μmol/L和(7.40±1.08)μmol/L,均低于幼儿组(1~4岁)、儿童组(4~12岁)、少年组(12~18岁),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。男性5种微量元素含量均高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论全血出现缺乏锌、铁的可能性随年龄的增加而降低。
Objective To provide basis for comprehensive prevention and treatment of trace element deficiency through analyzing the common characteristics of trace element deficiency in subjects of 0-18 years old.Methods Whole blood levels of Cu,Zn,Ca,Mg and Fe in 1 100 subjects were detected by using TC-3010B trace element analyzers and the results were statistically analyzed.Results Among all researched subjects,the deficiency rates of Zn,Mg,Ca,Cu and Mg were 51.2%,25.3%,6.1%,1.5% and 0.0%.Content of Zn and Fe in infant group(≤1 year old) were(56.76±19.36) μmol/L and(7.40±1.08) μmol/L,which were lower than those in yang child group(1-4 years old) ,child group(4-12 years old) and juvenile group(12-18 years old) .Contents of the 5 kinds of trace element in male group were statistically higher than those in female group(P0.05) .Conclusion The possibilities of Zn and Fe deficiency might be associated with the age of people.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine