目的:分析心房颤动患者电复律治疗对B型脑钠肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)水平变化的影响及临床意义。方法:选择心房颤动患者84例作为心房颤动组,分别检测其入院时、电复律后24h血浆BNP水平,同时选择65例无心房颤动患者作为正常对照组,并检测其入院时的血浆BNP水平。结果:心房颤动组入院时的BNP水平高于正常对照组,心房颤动组电复律前BNP水平高于电复律后24h的血浆BNP水平,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:BNP不仅是反映早期心功能受损的敏感指标,而且和心律失常如心房颤动相关,检测血浆BNP水平有助于评估心房颤动患者的预后。
Objective:To analyze the effect and clinical significance of Electrical cardioversion on serum B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) level in patients with atrial fibrillation.Methods Choose 84 atrial fibrillation cases of patients as atrial fibrillation group,test the serum BNP level of the patients at the in-hospital time and 24 hours after electrical cardioversion.At the same time,choose 65 patients without atrial fibrillation as normal control group,test the serum BNP level of the patients at the in-hospital time.Results Level of serum BNP in patinents with atrial fibrillation at the in-hospital time was higher than that of normal control group,level of serum BNP in patinents with atrial fibrillation at 24 hours after electrical cardioversion was higher than that of before electrical cardioversion,the differences were statistically difference(P0.05).Conclusions:BNP is not only reflected the early ventricular dysfunction sensitive indicators,but also related to arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation.Testing the level of BNP is contribute to assess the prognosis of the patients with atrial fibrillation.
Journal of North Pharmacy
Atrial fibrillation BNP Electrical cardioversion