
用户认知对推荐技术接受行为的影响研究 被引量:2

Research on Influence of Users' Cognition upon their Acceptance Behavior for Recommendation Technology
摘要 由于人类信息处理的认知约束,用户很难在信息过载的电子商务网站中快速找到与其需求想匹配的产品.尽管推荐系统有着提高用户快速找到产品效率的潜力,但这种潜力能否最终实现,取决于用户能否有效地接受和使用推荐系统.本文首先对推荐内涵和类型进行了总结,重点对事前和事后两种推荐类型进行了分析;其次对目前推荐系统在使用过程中存在的问题进行了分析;再次对推荐技术用户接受行为研究进行了总结;然后基于用户认知理论对推荐技术用户接受行为机理进行了深入研究;最后构建基于B2C网站的影响因素模型及实证分析,分析了用户认知风格差异对模型的影响,并基于模型验证结果对卓越网推荐系统使用问题及影响因素进行分析. Because of the cognitive constraints of human information processing, users are difficult to quickly find the products matching their needs in the information overloaded e-commerce website. Although recommendation system has the potential of improving efficiency of quickly finding products, if this potential can be attained depending on user's ability to effectively accept and use recommendation system. This article firstly summarizes the recommendation intension and type, analyzes post-and pre-type; then has a in-depth analysis of problems during using recommendation system and summarizes the behavior analysis of recommendation system accepting; and then summarizes the mechanism of users using recommendation system effectively on the cognitive theories; finally builds a model of affecting factors on the B2C site and has a empirical analysis, and analyzes the impact of the model on user cognitive style differences, and analyzes the using issues and effect factors based on the modeling verification.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期423-435,共13页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 国家自然科学基金"消费者认知对电子商务推荐技术接受的影响机理研究"(71001052) 国家社会科学基金"信息服务活动中用户技术接受的影响因素研究"(09CTQ012).
关键词 认知风格 推荐接受 影响因素 结构方程模型 实验分析 cognitive style, recommendation acceptance, affect factors, structural equation modeling, experimental analysis
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