目的 :复习文献对 7例骨原发性恶性淋巴瘤 (PrimaryLymphomaofBone ,PLB)进行临床病理分析 ,并检测其P5 3的表达情况。方法 :对瘤组织采用常规石蜡切片、HE染色及ABC法免疫组化染色 ,光镜观察。结果 :患者年龄 16~ 68岁 ,平均 3 7岁 ,以男性多见 ( 6 7例 ) ,好发于扁骨 (骼骨 2例 ,胸骨 1例 ,3 7例 )。多数为B细胞性淋巴瘤 ( 5 7例 ) ,T细胞性淋巴瘤 ( 1 7例 )和组织细胞性淋巴瘤少见 ( 1 7例 )。 7例PLB中 3例 ( 4 2 .8% )表达P5 3阳性 ,2 1例慢性骨髓炎对照组中仅 1( 5 % )例表达P5 3弱阳性 ,两组间有显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :PLB以B细胞性多见 。
Objective:To review the concerned literature and to investigate the characteristics of clinicopathology,and to detect P53 protein expression for Primary Lymphoma of Bone(PLB) in 7 cases.Methods:The routine paraffin slides were cut,stained with H.E and immunochemically stained with ABC method,and then,observed under optical microscopy.Results:The average age of the 7 patients was 37.The tumor were prevalent in men(6/7 cases)and mainly occurred in flat bone(2 cases in ilium,1 case in sternum).The tumors were predominate B cell lymphoma (5/7 cases)and less common in T cell(1/7 cases)and histiocyte lymphoma(1/7 cases).On the immunochemically stained slides,the tumor cells of 3 cases(42.8%) expressed P53 positive.In 21 cases of chronic osteomyelitis control group,only 1 case(5%) expressed P53 weak positive.There was significant difference between the two groups( P <0.05).Conclusions:Most of PLB was B cell Lymphoma and its origination might be associated with malignant change of B lymphocytes in bone marrow.The P53 protein expressed abnormally in PLB. \ \
Journal of Zhenjiang Medical College