Bayesian sequential filtering, which is based on state-space model, is recursive, implementation of Bayesian filtedng, and iprovides a suitable framework for estimating the state of system on-line. For linear- Gaussian problems, optimal Bayesian sequential filtering is well-known Kalman filter. For nonlinear oi non- Gaussian problems ther6 is no general analytical expression for Optimal Bayesian sequential filtering, algo- rithms based on Kalman!andpartiele filters are the most popular suboptimal Bayesian Sequential filtering. They all have their place and: are complementary to each other. In this paper, two nonlinear or non-G, aussian proh- lems are resolved with extended Kalman and sequential importance resample. Simulation shows that when non- linear or non--Gaussian is mild, extended Kalman is an appropriate choice and when nonlinear or non-Gattssian is severe, sequential importance resamplelis a wise choice.