放射诊断相当程度上受益于高科技设备、电子和计算机的进步 ,这些进展仅极小地影响传统 X线成像。新概念和新术语 ,诸如计算机 X线摄影、数字 X线摄影 ,图像存档与通信系统已经形成。这些潜在的新的处理方法 ,可使医学成像采用先进的影像设备和计算机改进放射诊断的能力。计算机 X线摄影是一个较新的概念 ,它可有效地减少 X线摄影的失败 ,并提供一个更完整的解剖境界以帮助放射医师显示图像。此技术能改善靶点的清晰度和定性。有关设备的知识对于记录和处理是重要的 ,计算机 X线摄影和图像存档与通信系统的完美结合是一个很好的范例。这种结合是远程放射学的先决条件。数字控制技术要求有一个完整的设施。我们正在进入一个高技术的医疗应用的崭新领域 ,计算机 X线摄影系统正在被确认和定型 ,这不仅是放射技师而且也是计算机专家、工程师和物理学家共同开发的新领域 ,其最终目的是将这些高技术 X线摄影系统和计算机带进新世纪的医学影像科。
The current diagnostic radiology has benefited most from the advances in high technology devices ,electronics ,and computers .At the same time ,these advances have only minimally influenced conventional X ray imaging .Nevertheless ,new concepts and terminologies such as computed radiography ,digital radiography ,picture archiving and communication system have emerged .These potential new approaches to medical imaging use advanced imaging modalities and computers to improve or complement the diagnostic radiology ability .Computed radiography is a relatively new concept .The main reason is the significant reduction of defect of radiography .It provides a more complete anatomic definition and display images to assist the radiologist .The technique can improve target definition and characterization .The knowledge of instrument is important for registration and approaches .Computed radigraphy is a good example of intergrating picture archiving and communication system .This integration is a prerequisite of teleradiology .The technology of digital control disposition call for a fully integrated system .We are entering a new area of medical applications of high technology .Computed radiography system are being identified and characterized .Not only technologists but also computer scientists ,engineers ,and physicists are contributing to the development of this exciting new field .Our ultimate goal is to take these superb technologies——radiography system and the computers into the department of radiology of the next century .
Journal of Medical Postgraduates
Radiography, X ray computed