将聚合物多元醇、二异氰酸酯在 90~ 1 1 0℃下反应 2h ,再加入丙酮、DMPA、TMP及扩链剂在 70℃下反应 2 .5h ,然后降温至 60℃ ,加入三异氰酸酯交联剂反应 1h ,降温至 55℃。在乳化釜中加入三乙胺水溶液 ,高速搅拌至乳化 ,最后减压脱除丙酮即得成品。该品用于各种革顶涂可获得类似蛋白类的涂饰材料透明而清澈的光泽 ,是一种环保型涂饰材料。
Polymer polyhydric alcohol is reacted with HDI at 90-110?℃ for 2?h, added by acetone, DMPA, TMP and chain extender and reacted at 70?℃ for 2.5?h, and then the temperature. is reduced to 60?℃, and reacted for 1?h after the addition of triisocyanate crosslinking agent. Aqueous triethanolamine solution is put into the mixture in the emulsifying reactor. Emulsification is obtained with the help of high-speed stirring, and finally the acetone is removed, after the decrease of the pressure, to give the title product. Leathers finished with this product give transparent and clear lusters as those got with casein finishing agents, when it is used in the top coating. It is an environment friendly product.
Leather Chemicals