用长弧氙灯、中压汞灯、高压汞灯、镓灯、镝灯等几种光源对光催化降解亚甲基蓝的效果进行了比较。结果证明镓灯的效果最好 ,其降解速率高于其它光源 ,所得到的反应速率常数是常用中压汞灯的 1 .2 4倍。从光子对Ti O2 的作用机理及光谱分析结果可以证明 ,光源的紫外部分辐射强度愈高对反应愈有利。并为光催化反应中光源的选择提供了一定的依据。
Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue was studied with 5 different kinds of light sources. Results indicated that the gallium lamp is more applicable for photocatalytic reaction than others. The reaction rate constant obtained by the gallium lamp was 1.24 times of that by the mercury vapour lamp. Analyzing the mechanism of photons attaching the catalyst particles and spectrum of the light sources, it could be confirmed that a higher radiation intensity of the UV (shorter wave-length) light would be more favorable for the photocatalytic reaction.
Journal of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)