
GRP_(78)在弱精症精子和活力正常精子蛋白中的表达差异研究 被引量:5

Study on differential expression of GRP_(78) between normal motility sperm protein and asthenospermia
摘要 目的:探讨GRP78在弱精症精子和活力正常精子蛋白中的表达差异。方法:取50μg正常精子和弱精样品蛋白质,加入上样缓冲液后,沸水浴5min,充分变性蛋白质,100V恒压电泳分离,直至溴酚蓝前沿达到凝胶底部;再用Western-Blot检测GRP78表达变化。结果:GRP78正常精子蛋白样品中高表达,而在弱精子蛋白样品中低表达,Western-Blot检测结果与双向电泳凝胶图中的差异高度吻合。结论:GRP78在弱精子蛋白中低表达,提示GRP78在弱精子症发生中可能扮演着重要角色。 Objective: To check the expression of GRP7 was agreement with between profile of protein of normal motility sperm and asthenospermia or not. Methods: Firstly, 50ug protein sample of normal sperm and asthenospermia were separateded respectively, and then add loading buffer solution in it. Following protein was thor oughly denatured for five minuter in boiling water. Secondly, sperm protein was separated by SDS-PAGE. Until bromchlorphenol blue reaching bottom of Gel in 100v constant voltage, electrophoresis was terminated. Finally, dif ferentiaI expression of GRPrs was detected with Western-Blot. Results: GRP78 increased expression in the normal motility sperm proein when compared with asthenospermia, and this result was in accordance with outcome of twodimensional electrophoresis. Conclusion: decrease expression of GRPT is correct and reliability. It is demonstrated that GRP78 can play an important role in pathogenesis of asthenospermia.
出处 《陕西医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第1期27-29,共3页 Shaanxi Medical Journal
基金 广西自然科学基金资助项目(桂科自0991271)
关键词 精子能动性免疫球蛋白类 重链/代谢@弱精症 Sperm motility Immunoglobulins,heavy-chain/melabolism @ Asthenospermia
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