
埃罗替尼对JAK2V617F阳性细胞体外增殖分化的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Erlotinib on Proliferation and Differentiation of JAK2V617F-Positive Cells in vitro
摘要 本研究探讨埃罗替尼对JAK2V617F阳性细胞体外增殖分化的影响,为埃罗替尼用于真性红细胞增多症靶向治疗提供实验依据。采用体外集落形成试验检测埃罗替尼在体外对真性红细胞增多症患者骨髓造血祖细胞增殖分化的影响,MTT比色法检测埃罗替尼对含有JAK2V617F纯合突变的HEL细胞株增殖的作用。结果表明:埃罗替尼在5μmol/L对真性红细胞增多症患者JAK2V617F突变阳性的造血祖细胞体外增殖分化具有抑制作用,而对患者正常造血祖细胞无明显抑制作用。埃罗替尼可以抑制HEL细胞株的增殖活性,IC50为4.1μmol/L。结论:埃罗替尼对JAK2V617F阳性细胞体外增殖分化具有一定的抑制作用。 The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of erlotinib on proliferation and differentiation of JAK2V617F-positive cells in vitro,and to provide experimental evidence of erlotinib for potential target therapy in polycythemia vera.Colony forming assays were used to detect the effect of erlotinib on differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells from bone marrow of polycythemia vera patients,and MTT method was used to measure the proliferation of HEL cell line containing the JAK2V617F mutation.The results showed that erlotinib 5 μmol/L inhibited the differentiation of JAK2V617F-positive hematopoietic progenitor cells into hematopoietic colonies in vitro,while it had almost no effect on normal hematopoietic progenitor cells from the patients.Erlotinib had inhibitory effect on the proliferation of HEL cell line in a dose dependent manner.The IC50 was 4.1 μmol/L.It is concluded that erlotinib can inhibit proliferation and differentiation of JAK2V617F-positive cells to a certain extent in vitro.
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期368-371,共4页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
基金 山东省自然科学基金(编号Y2007C059)
关键词 埃罗替尼 JAK2V617F突变 真性红细胞增多症 HEL细胞株 erlotinib JAK2V617F mutation polycythemia vera HEL cell line
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