
Prospects for European Integration as the EU Deals with the Debt Crisis

Prospects for European Integration as the EU Deals with the Debt Crisis
摘要 The debt crisis has profoundly changed the European Union and has added new variables and motive power to European integration. As inter-governmental cooperation has taken the reins in dealing with the crisis,the eurozone is accelerating the integration process in the areas of fiscal and tax policies. The EU's "dual-speed development" trend will become more obvious. The series of measures adopted by the E.U. (in particular the eurozone) in response to the Greek sovereign debt crisis, which started in early 2010, has had limited effect. In just two years, the debt crisis has spread across the EU causing serious problems, including sovereign credit crises and bank debt crises in several EU nations and threatening European integration so that it is in danger of regressing.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2012年第2期110-126,共17页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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