应用酶联免疫印迹分析旋毛虫肌幼虫的表面抗原、S_3 抗原和虫体粗抗原,结果显示上述三种抗原的多肽组成存在一定的差异。与同源感染兔血清反应,显示表面抗原有4个免疫反应区带,分子量范围在 102~44KD之间。S_3 抗原和虫体粗抗原分别有 8和10个主要区带,分子量范围在 73~16 KD之间。与异源感染兔血清反应,显示上述抗原的低分子量多肽有较强的特异性。家兔感染旋毛虫后,血清抗体对表面抗原的识别,在不同感染时期具有相同的反应图谱,而对其他两种抗原的识别则具有阶段性的改变。
Three antigens i. e surface antigen (SA), S3 fraction antigen (SFA) and crude worm extract (CWE) of T. spiralis muscle larvae were studied with ELIBWhen reacted with T. spiralis infected rabbit sera (34Pi), SA showed 4 bands (102-44KD) of antigenic polypeptides, while CWE and SFA showed ] 0 and S main bands respectively, ranging from 73 to 16KD. When reacted with heterologously infected rabbit sera,fewer cross-reactivity were demonstrated in SA, and the lower molecular weight components in each antigen showed higher specificity than that of the higher ones.The response of rabbit sera infected with T. spiralis to these antigens were also studied dynamically in this paper.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses