

Contrastive Studies of Rat Bone Marrow-Derived Immature Dendritic Cells and Mature Dendritic Cells
摘要 目的:对比培养大鼠骨髓来源的未成熟树突状细胞与成熟树突状细胞,并从形态学、表型及功能检测等多方面进行对比研究,为后续的实验做出基础研究。方法:大鼠脱臼法处死后取两侧胫骨、股骨,PBS冲洗骨髓腔收集骨髓细胞,经GM-CSF和IL-4刺激培养六天后,对比研究经LPS刺激组与未经LPS刺激培养组细胞状况。结果:①成熟树突状细胞悬浮生长,集落分散,扫描电镜下见其突起数目明显多于未成熟树突状细胞。②成熟树突状细胞高表达表面标记分子CD80、CD86、MHCⅡ,而未成熟树突状细胞均低表达。③成熟树突状细胞培养基上清中IL-12水平高,而未成熟树突状细胞培养基上清中IL-12水平低。④成熟树突状细胞具有强的刺激T细胞增殖能力,而未成熟树突状细胞基本不具有诱导T细胞增殖能力。结论:未成熟状态的树突状细胞具备致耐受原性,可抑制T细胞的应答,而成熟状态的树突状细胞由于获得了免疫刺激潜能从而会对炎性刺激做出反应。 Objective: To investigate the difference of morphology and phenotype and functionally tested between the rat bone marrow-derived immature dendritic cells and the rat bone marrow-derived mature dendritic cells as a basic research for latter experiment.Methods: The rats were put to death by dislocationing,and then all the shin bones and thigh bones were take to collect the bone marrow cells by flushing the marrow cavity with PBS,culture the collecting cells with GM-CSF and IL-4 for 6 days.One sample was cultured with LPS and the other without LPS.Results: ① Mature dendritic cells are suspending growth and have the disperse colonies,promi-nence increased significantly.② Surface molecular markers including CD80 and CD86 and MHCⅡ had high expression in mature den-dritic cells while which was low in immature dendritic cells.③ The content of IL-12 in cell culture medium was detected by IL-12 kit.Mature dendritic cells had a high level and the immature dendritic cells had a low level.④ Mature dendritic cells had strong stimulation abilities to the growth of T cells while immature dendritic cells do not have.Conclusion: The immature dendritic cells have the tolerance to restrain the response of T cells,while the mature dendritic cells will do a response to the inflammatory stimulation due to getting the potential of immune irritancy.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2012年第6期1031-1033,1064,共4页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 大鼠 未成熟树突状细胞 成熟树突状细胞 Rat Immature endritic cells Mature dendritic cells
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