本文报道以蜗牛酶破壁、氯化铯密度梯度超速离心的初步纯化白念珠菌 DNA 制备探针以 Southern 转膜,点杂交及原位杂交法与标准念珠菌属各种及临床分离 11 株酵母样菌(初步疑为念珠菌)作分子杂交,结果仅有白念珠菌阳性,热带念珠菌为弱阳性,其它念珠菌及红色毛癣菌均为阴性,与常规鉴定法相同。提示念珠菌探针可以作为临床快速诊断鉴定菌种的一个方法。
A DNA Probe was prepared and hybridized with DNA of standard strain of 5 types of Candida, Tri-chophyton rubrum and 11 strains of clinical unknown fungi. The results showed that the positive reactions appeared only in those strains of Candida albicans which were identified by routine method. And the results of other strains were all the same as compared with the routine method. It indicated that this method is as sensitive and specific as the routine, thod and could be used in clinical diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses