目的了解美沙酮门诊工作人员对美沙酮与AIDS的知识、态度以及相关行为特点,探讨现阶段门诊工作中存在的问题。方法在西藏自治区对3类美沙酮门诊医护人员进行相关知识的掌握和需求调查,通过问卷的方式获取研究对象资料,采用Excel软件进行数据录入,SPSS 16.0进行统计分析。结果本次研究共调查149人,其中132人(88.6%)知道感染AIDS病毒的人从外表不能看出来;135人(90.6%)知道美沙酮属于强效阿片受体激动剂,能控制阿片类的戒断症状;48人(32.2%)表示愿意与AIDS病人生活在同一社区;121人(81.2%)认为应该给坚持服药的病人奖励;127人(85.2%)会向朋友及亲属讲述美沙酮维持治疗相关知识。结论美沙酮门诊工作人员对AIDS及美沙酮知识有较高的认知水平,但仍有待提高;美沙酮门诊工作人员对待AIDS病人及吸毒者的态度较差;对相关工作人员的培训需有针对性,寻求新的突破口与思路。
Objective To study the methadone clinic staffs' knowledge and attitudes on methadone and AIDS-related behavior characteristics,explore the existing problems at this stage in the work.Methods The target population information was obtained by questionnaire,Excel software was used for data entry and SPSS16.0 for statistical analysis.Results The number who gave right answer about the question "people infected with HIV can not be seen from the outside" was 132(88.6%);people who knew "methadone is potent opioid receptor agonist and can control opioid withdrawal symptoms" was 135(90.6%);48(32.2%) "express their willingness to live in the same community with AIDS patients"; 121(81.2%) thought "we should give award to the patients taking methadone persistently";the number "tell friends and relatives of knowledge about MMT" was 127(85.2%).Conclusion The methadone clinic staffs' knowledge about AIDS and methadone has high cognitive level,but should be improved yet.The attitude of methadone clinic staffs to drug users and AIDS is poor.The training to staffs should be targeted,there must be a breakthrough with new ideas.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering