
钢板剪力墙的极限抗剪承载力 被引量:3

Ultimate shear bearing analysis of steel plate shear walls
摘要 钢板剪力墙由周边钢框架、内嵌钢板组成。为了充分利用钢板的届曲后强度,提高经济性,推广钢板剪力墙的应用,基于拉力场理论,推导出钢板剪力墙的极限抗剪承载力理论公式,并通过有限元程序ANSYS进行数值模拟,求出钢板剪力墙在水平单向荷载作用下的荷载位移曲线。采用不同高厚比钢板,对理论计算值和ANSYS数值模拟相比较。结果表明:其极限抗剪承载力与推导出的理论值相比,误差在1.5%以内。模拟结果验证了理论公式的计算准确。 Steel plate shear walls consist of surrounding steel frame and embedded steel plate. This paper is an attempt to obtain a fuller advantage of buckling strength of steel plates, a better economy, and a wider application of steel plate shear wall. The paper introduces the theoretical formula of ultimate shear capacity of steel plate shear walls, derived from the theory of tension field, and offers the load - displace- ment curse under horizontal load by using Finite Element program ANSYS, and a comparison between theoretical calculations and numerical simulation of ANSYS, The results show the error of less than 1.5% between FEM exactness of the theoretical formula. using steel plate of different thickness ratio. results and theoretical formula, verifying the
作者 孟庆骞
出处 《黑龙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2012年第2期195-198,共4页 Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology
关键词 钢板剪力墙 拉力场 屈曲后强度 极限抗剪承载力 steel plate shear walls tension field post-buckling strength ultimate shear bearing
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