
基于FSI方法的轮胎横向花纹沟泵吸噪声研究 被引量:3

The Noise Research on Tire Lateral Pattern Groove using FSI Method
摘要 运用abaqus对具有横向花纹槽的轮胎滚动进行仿真,提取轮胎沟槽表面在轮胎接地过程中随时间的变形曲线。建立单个横向花纹沟和其周围的空气域模型,在沟槽表面加载变形曲线,利用FSI方法分析了横向花纹沟尺寸对轮胎花纹沟泵吸噪声的影响。从分析结果可知,轮胎花纹沟泵吸噪声随着沟槽长度的增大而减小,随着沟槽宽度的增大而增大,但随沟槽深度的变化不明显。本文结果与相关文献的试验结果一致,表明FSI方法分析轮胎花纹沟泵吸噪声可行。 In this paper, abaqus is used to simulate rolling of tire which has lateral pattern groove, and extract the deformation curve of groove's surface when the tire is in contact with ground. A single lateral pattern groove and its ambient air field are established, loading the deformation displacement on the groove's surface. By virtual of FSI method, the effect of size of lateral pattern groove on pumping noise is simulated with changing groove's length, width and depth. The results show that the pumping noise decreases as groove length increases; and increases as width increases; yet it doesn't change significantly with change of depth. The result is identical with test results of relevant literature, it shows that FSI method is feasible in analyzing tire pumping noise.
机构地区 江苏大学
出处 《汽车技术》 北大核心 2012年第4期32-35,共4页 Automobile Technology
基金 高等学校博士学科点基金资助项目(20070299006) 江苏省六大人才高峰项目(07D019)资助
关键词 轮胎 横向花纹沟 泵吸噪声 FSI Tire, Lateral pattern groove, Pumping noise, FSI
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