采用多阶抽样方法 ,研究了黑龙江省野生马鹿资源现状。结果表明 ,1 990年该省林区野生马鹿种群数量为 ( 4 430 0± 3972 )头 ,平均分布密度为 0 2 5头 /km2 ,总栖息面积约为1 789 6万hm2 。与 1 975年全省野生马鹿调查结果相比 ,野生马鹿种群数量略呈增长趋势。1 5年间种群数量增长了 1 5 39%,年增长率为 0 95%,而分布区面积减少了 30 %~ 40 %,出现了明显的分布区退缩现象 。
The results showed that the red deer population size is ( 44300± 3972) deer,average population density is 0.25 deer/km 2,and total population distribution areas is about 1789600 hm 2 in this province forest Areas.Comparing with the results of red deer population survey in 1975,the red deer population dynamics reveals slighly a growth trend.From 1975 to 1990,individuals of red deer have increased 15.39%,that is the yearly rate of increase is 0.95%.But the total population distribution areas has decreased 30%~40% and appeared obviously areal distribution contraction.A new distribution pattern of red deer population has come into being in forest areas.
Journal of Economic Animal