
半乳凝集素-3在心力衰竭患者中的表达及其对近期预后的影响 被引量:5

Plasma galectin-3 level and its prognostic value in patients with heart failure
摘要 目的:探讨心力衰竭(心衰)患者血清半乳凝集素(Galectin)-3表达水平与心脏结构、功能的关系,并评估其对预后的预测价值。方法:选取76例NYHA分级为Ⅰ~Ⅳ级的患者,测定血清Galectin-3及氨基末端脑钠肽前体水平、心脏超声。出院60d内电话随访,记录死亡及再入院等心脏不良事件。结果:NYHAⅠ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ~Ⅳ级患者血Galectin-3分别为(4.41±1.12)、(6.45±1.56)、(8.82±3.78)ng/ml,两两比较均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Galectin-3与NYHA分级(r=0.44,P<0.05)、左室舒张末期内径(r=0.41,P<0.05)均呈正相关。60d内发生心脏不良事件患者的血Galectin-3水平明显高于未发生心脏不良事件的患者[(8.14±1.29)ng/ml∶(6.86±3.14)ng/ml,P<0.05]。结论:Galectin-3水平与心衰严重程度及左室重构相关。Galectin-3水平升高的患者近期预后差。 Objective:In order to evaluate serum galectin-3 clinical value in patients with heart failure,studies about the association between galectin-3 and cardiac structure or function were explored.Method:From NYHA Ⅰ to Ⅳ,76 patients were included into this study.Serum galectin-3,NT-proBNP and echocardiography were detected,and telephone follow-up was made within 60 days when patients were discharged from hospital in order to take down adverse events,such as death or readmission.Result:Serum galectin-3 in patients with NYHA Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ~Ⅳ class were(4.41±1.12),(6.45±1.56),(8.82±3.78) ng/ml respectively,showing significant differences,P0.05.Galectin-3 was positively related to NYHA class(r=0.44,P0.05) and LVEDD(r=0.41,P0.05).Further,during the 60 days telephone follow-up,galectin-3 levels were higher in patients with adverse events than those patients without adverse events [(8.14±1.29)ng/ml∶(6.86±3.14)ng/ml,P0.05].Conclusion:Galectin-3 level is positively related to heart function and remodeling.Patients with high level of galectin-3 have poor outcome within 60 days when discharged from hospital.
出处 《临床心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期259-261,共3页 Journal of Clinical Cardiology
关键词 心力衰竭 半乳凝集素-3 重组人脑利钠肽 心室重构 heart failure galectin-3 recombinant human brain natriuretic peptide ventricular remodeling
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