对马尾松无性系及家系扦插苗的生长进行观测研究结果表明:水培根系生长良好,侧根多且壮,须根 发达;春插1年生无性系扦插苗的主梢生长量只出现一个峰期(3~4月),下半年生长速率占全年生长速率的 85.9%,不同无性系扦插苗生长速率的快慢有差异;高产脂家系春插成活率比秋插高,在30%~95%之间,苗 高和地径生长为21.1cm和 0.4cm,分别是秋插的 2.11倍和 1.29倍。
Determination was done on the growth of cuttage stock of Pinus massoniana. The results showed that the stock cultured in water had fine root system;Growth of main top of its one-year-old spring cuttage stock had only one peak period;Growth rate of the stocks had variation among the clones,Survival rate of the spring cuttage stocks of the family with a high yield of resin was higher than that of the autum cuttage stocks.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology