
2010年深圳市某区幼儿园手足口病隐性感染调查 被引量:6

Investigation on inapparent infection situation of HFMD in nursery schools in a district of Shenzhen,2010
摘要 目的:了解本区幼儿园手足口病隐性感染率,探索预防控制措施。方法:采3家幼儿园所有未患手足口病的幼儿肛拭子,检测EV71和CA16病毒核酸,统计检测结果。结果:共采集1305份样本,EV71阳性率4.67%,CA16阳性率1.30%。幼儿园间和不同年龄间阳性率差别有统计学意义。结论:本研究中EV71和CA16的隐性感染率较高,说明手足口病流行期存在部分无症状携带者,控制隐性感染者对控制手足口病流行有重要意义。幼儿园卫生条件不同造成隐性感染率各有差异,3岁以内幼儿的隐性感染率最高,应重点做好宣传教育和低龄儿童的预防控制。 Objective:To investigate inapparent infection rate of HFMD in nursery schools in a district of Shenzhen,and find out prevention and control measures.Methods:Anus swab of all children who did not suffering with HFMD in three nursery schools were collected.Specific genes of EV71 and CA16 were detected and the result was analyzed by statistical method.Results:1305 samples were collected and the positive rate of EV71 was 4.67% while CA16 was 1.30%.There were statistical significances among three schools and among different ages.Conclusion:The high positive rate of EV71 and CA16 indicated that there really existed a portion of inapparent infections among children in prevalent period of HFMD,which made a conclusion that controlling inapparent infection population was very important to the control and prevention of HFMD.Different nursery schools got different inapparent infection rates,and children younger than three years old got the highest inapparent rate,which pointed out that health education should be paid more attention and underage children should be the key crowd in HFMD control and prevention.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2012年第4期885-887,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
关键词 手足口病 隐性感染 调查 Hand Foot and Mouth Disease(HFMD) Inapparent infection Investigation
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