文中计算500 kV复艾紧凑型输电线路操作过电压水平,获得带电作业时可能产生的沿线最大相—地操作过电压为1.68 p.u.,最大相间过电压为2.85 p.u.,对直线塔塔窗典型带电作业过程中的人体位置进行长距离空气间隙及组合间隙的操作波放电试验,获得典型位置操作冲击击穿电压U50%和带电作业相—地和相间最小安全距离计算公式,以及带电作业时最小安全距离下的危险率;理论计算和试验结果表明,在直线塔上进行带电作业的危险率均远小于1.0×10-5,相—地和相间最小安全距离以及最小组合安全距离均满足带电作业安全性的要求。
By calculating the switching overvoltage on the 500kV Fu-Ai compact transmission line,the results are obtained that the maximum phase-earth switching overvoltag along the line is 1.68p.u.and the maximum phase-phase switching overvoltag along the line is 2.85p.u.The air gaps 50% switching discharge voltages of representative working positions have been acquired by tested in imitative tower window,and the relationship between the approach distance of live line working and 50% switching discharge voltages are proposed.The risk rate under minimum approach distance of live line working on the straight line towers are obtained by caculation.The theoretical calculation and the test results prove that the risk rates is less than 1.0×10-5.The minimum phase-earth phase-phase approach distance and the minimum comples gap safety distance are safe for live line working on the straight line towers of 500 kV Fu-Ai compact transmission line.
Hunan Electric Power