
琉球群岛相关称谓的地理意义与政治属性 被引量:14

The Geographical Significance and Political Attribute of Related Appellation of Ryukyu Islands
摘要 历史上承载琉球王国的琉球群岛是一个独立的地理单元。"琉球群岛"这一传统称谓具有特殊的政治属性。但是长期以来,中国对琉球群岛的地缘战略意义认识不足,学术界,特别是以区域研究为特色的地理学界,对有关琉球群岛基础研究积累部分缺失,导致中国对于琉球群岛相关称谓的认识模糊混乱。运用历史文献研究法、定性分析法等区域地理学传统的研究方法和虚拟地球空间定位与GIS技术,从琉球群岛相关称谓的历史演变分析入手,对"西南群岛"、"萨南群岛"、"冲绳群岛"等相关称谓的地理学意义及其政治属性进行了考证。研究发现,近代日本吞并琉球群岛后,采用偷梁换柱的办法在岛屿命名上"去琉球化",推广使用"西南群岛"、"萨南群岛"、"冲绳群岛"等相关称谓,企图消除"琉球群岛"的政治属性,肢解琉球群岛,抹煞琉球群岛传统历史,在琉球群岛法律地位认识的问题上制造混乱,诱导国际社会承认日本对琉球群岛的"主权"。正确认识琉球群岛地理单元的特殊性,坚持使用"琉球群岛"这一传统称谓,对于中国维护钓鱼岛主权和东海海洋权益以及今后涉及琉球问题的对外交涉具有十分重要战略意义。 Ryukyu Islands is a geographical unit that has a special geopolitical relation with China.In history,the vassal relation which was established between Ming and Qing dynasties of China and Ryukyu kingdom represented by Ryukyu Islands lasted for five hundred years.Today the geo-strategic significance of Ryukyu Islands is closely connected with the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands of China and the maritime rights and interests of East China Sea.In fact,the forced annexation of Ryukyu Islands by Japan was not recognized by the international communities.In order to annex Ryukyu Islands"legally",Japan implicitly eliminated Ryukyu characteristics for naming the islands,by sometimes using"Nansei Islands"which is a generalized regional appellation to remove its political properties,and sometimes applying"Satsunan Islands"which disintegrates the islands,and sometimes calling Ryukyu Islands"Okinawa islands"for concealing the history of the islands.The confusion created by Japan in appellation of Ryukyu Islands leads to a vague understanding of relevant geographical concepts of Ryukyu Islands for the international communities.Starting from the analysis of historical evolution of the appellations related to Ryukyu Islands,this article explores the geographical significance and political connotation of related appellations like"Nansei islands","Satsunan islands"and"Okinawa islands"."Ryukyu Islands"is a general name for the islands ruled by Ryukyu Kingdom in history.The political significance of appellation of"Ryukyu Islands"is the denial of Japanese annexation of Ryukyu Islands and the assertion of independence of them."Nansei islands"is a generalized regional appellation in Japanese to all the islands scattered between the southwest of Kyushu Island of Japan and the northeast of Taiwan Island of China,which means the islands to the southwest of Japan.The political significance of appellation of"Nansei islands"is manifested from two aspects: one is elimination of Ryukyu characteristics in the appellation and the other is to induce international communities to acknowledge the"sovereignty"of"Nansei Islands"."Satsunan Islands"in Japanese refers to the combination of three groups of islands including Osumi Islands of Japan,Tokara Islands of Ryukyu kingdom and Amami Islands.The name means the islands to the south of Satsuma(Kagoshima Prefecture).The political significance of the appellation of"Satsunan Islands"is also reflected from two aspects: one is disintegration of Ryukyu Islands and the other is to claim the"sovereignty"of"Satsunan Islands"."Okinawa Islands"is a name of the islands in Japanese which includes Ryukyu Islands(including Kerama Islands),Daito Islands and Sakishima Islands.The political significance of this appellation is,on the one hand to eliminate Ryukyu characteristics and on the other,to disintegrate Ryukyu Islands.Correct understanding of the geographical significance and political connotation of the related appellations of Ryukyu Islands is of significance on bilateral relations on Ryukyu issues for China in the future.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期393-400,共8页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41171135)资助
关键词 琉球群岛 西南群岛 萨南群岛 冲绳群岛 Ryukyu Islands Nansei Islands Satsunan Islands Okinawa Islands
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