
无铅回流焊焊点形成过程的实时监测与分析 被引量:2

Real-time monitoring and analysis of solder joint formation in the lead-free reflow process
摘要 利用实时摄像、图像采集、转录装置等对电容、电阻、塑封有引线芯片载体(PLCC)、二极管等元器件的无铅回流焊过程进行了实时监测和同步拍摄,实时记录了回流焊过程中焊点形成的全过程。特别地,分析了回流焊过程中焊膏对元件所表现出的极强的自对中能力及一些焊接缺陷(如立碑现象)的形成过程。 The lead-free reflow soldering processes of several components such as capacitor,resistor,PLCC and diodes,etc.,were monitored and photoed in real-time by using real-time videotaping,image collecting,and video converting equipments.The all form process of the solder joints in the reflow was recorded.Specially,the self-aligning ability of the solder paste to components and the formation processes of soldering defects,such as tomb stoning,were studied.
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期60-62,70,共4页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.51071006) 北京市自然科学基金(B类)教育博士点基金资助项目(No.20101103110000)
关键词 无铅回流焊 实时监测 自对中能力 立碑 lead-free reflow soldering monitored in real-time self-aligning ability tomb stoning
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