

TIBM:thin client computing browser model for wireless Web
摘要 提出了一种基于瘦客户机计算模式的无线浏览器模型,利用显示逻辑与处理过程分离的机制,使得浏览器客户端能够获得服务器计算能力的支援,以降低客户端负载。为控制网络流量,研究了模型中的计算任务划分策略,采用了半集中计算的模式,使网页在客户端渲染,实现了一个基于该模型的无线浏览器系统原型。实验结果表明,该模型能够同时降低客户端计算负载和网络传输负载,减少页面内延时,可提供无缝的网络浏览体验。 This paper proposed a wireless browser model with the architecture of thin client computing to provide optimized browsing application on wireless devices,by separating display logic from process.Such mechanism offloaded most application logic from thin clients to stationary servers to make the client focus on displaying Web pages.It adopted semi-centralized computing model for computing task division,so that the model rendered Web pages on the client instead of the server to reduce network traffic.It implemented a prototype of wireless browser system based on this model.Experimental results show that this model can reduce the operating load both on client-side and network-side to provide seamless browsing for wireless terminals.
作者 茹昭 王四军
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1880-1883,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家发改委重大项目"灾备技术国家工程实验室建设"资助 国家科技重大专项资助项目(2009ZX03004-007-2)
关键词 瘦客户机计算 无线浏览器 移动互联网 网络性能 thin client computing wireless browser mobile Internet Web performance
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