
基于本地安全关联的移动网络接入认证机制 被引量:1

Authentication mechanism for network mobility based on local security associations
摘要 为减少网络移动中身份认证对性能的影响,提出了一种基于本地安全关联的接入认证机制。该机制通过认证消息携带地址注册信息,整合认证和绑定更新过程,采用本地移动性管理策略,通过建立本地安全关联,实现了域内切换流程本地化,保护了地址注册信息,避免了隧道嵌套。性能分析表明,该机制在实现双向认证的同时能够抵抗重放等多种攻击,相比其他方案,该机制减小了计算开销,缩短了切换时延。 In order to reduce the impact of identity authentication on performance of network mobility,this paper introduced an authentication mechanism.In the mechanism,integrated the authentication and binding update procedures by adding address registration information into authentication messages.With the help of local mobility management strategy and local security associations,the mechanism localized the message flow of the intra-domain handoff,protected the address registration information and eliminated the tunnel-in-tunnel problem.Analysis shows that,the mechanism not only implements the mutual authentication but also resists various attacks such as modified attack.The proposed solution outperforms the counterparts in terms of the computation cost and handoff latency.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1896-1900,共5页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家科技重大专项资助项目(2009ZX03004-002)
关键词 网络移动性 认证、授权、计费 本地认证 快速切换 network mobility(NEMO) authentication、authorization、accounting(AAA) local authentication fast handoff
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