
乳酸菌对仔犬生长性能、发病率、粪中大肠杆菌数量的影响 被引量:7

Effects of L. acidophilus on the Growth,Morbidity and the Number of E. coli of Puppy
摘要 试验选用60只健康的德国牧羊犬仔犬,共计10窝,随机将每窝仔犬分成2组,试验组20-30日龄饲喂混有3.2 g乳酸菌素的奶粉,30日龄断乳后继续饲喂混有3.2 g乳酸菌的饲料,与对照组进行比较。以此来研究日粮中添加乳酸菌对仔犬生长性能、发病率、肠道菌群的影响。结果表明:在日粮中添加乳酸菌可提高断乳仔犬生长性能,增重明显,饲料利用率提高;降低仔犬发病率、死亡率(P<0.05)及缩短腹泻时间;降低粪便pH值约0.3-0.5单位,使断乳前厌氧菌群呈优势分布,同时增加乳酸菌的含量、减少大肠杆菌的含量(P<0.05)。 By adding L. acidophilus in the diet, an experiment was designed to investigate the influence of L. acidophilus on the growth, morbidity, the number of E. coli of puppy. Sixty German Shepherd puppies from 10 litters were selected and each litter was randomly divided into 2 groups. In the treatment group the milk powder mixed with 3.2 g L. acidophilus had been supplied for the dogs from 20 days , so had the feed stuff from 30 days when the puppy was being weaned. The experimental results showed that L. acidophilus has a significant growth enhancement effect on puppy body weight ( P 〈 0.05). Dietary L. acidophilus had influence on the feed conversion ( P 〈 O. 05), decreased diarrhea frequency and mortality, and cut down diarrhea time. Otherwise, it could de- crease faeces pH 0.3 - O. 5, make anaerobic bacteria dominant distribution after being weaned, increase concentration of L. acidophilus and decreased that of E. coli.
作者 孙宁
出处 《经济动物学报》 CAS 2012年第1期16-21,共6页 Journal of Economic Animal
基金 公安部应用新项目(2007YYCXSYJQXX164)
关键词 乳酸菌 仔犬 生长性能 大肠杆菌数量 发病率 L. acidophilus puppy the gTowth the number of E. coli morbidity
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