
先天性心脏病病因学的研究进展 被引量:29

Progress on Etiology Research of Congenital Heart Disease
摘要 先天性心脏病是最常见的婴幼儿出生缺陷之一,严重威胁婴幼儿生命和健康,给社会和家庭带来沉重负担。近年先天性心脏病病因学的研究取得很大进展,目前认为与遗传因素、理化因素(工农业污染、X线辐射、大气污染、吸烟、酗酒等)、妊娠期感染、妊娠期用药、妊娠期心理因素及妊娠期疾病有关。先天性心脏病往往不是单一因素作用或其简单相加的结果,而是多个危险因素综合作用的结果。弄清先天性心脏病的病因,有针对性地研究其预防措施,有助于降低先天性心脏病的发病率。 Congenital heart disease(CHD),one of the most common birth defects,which brings tremendous burden on society and families, has become a primary disease affecting the life and health of infants and young children .In recent years,the research on etiology of CHD has made a considerable progress. This review summarizes the currently available literature on potential fetal exposures that might enhance the risk for cardiovascular defects.Information is summarized for genetic factors, physical and chemical factors (industrial and agricuhural pollution, X-ray radiation, air pollution, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc. ), infection during pregnancy, medication during pregnancy, maternal mental stress and maternal diseases. CHD generally results from the comprehensive effects of multitude risk factors rather than single one or their simple combi- nation.Preventive intervention targeting risk factors should be suggested, which would help reduce the occurrence of CHD.
出处 《国际妇产科学杂志》 CAS 2012年第2期183-186,共4页 Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology
基金 南京军区医学科技资助项目(07M093) 福建省科技厅计划重点项目(2007Y0017) 美国健康影响研究院基金(4747-RF-PA05-3/06-8)
关键词 心血管畸形 心脏缺损 先天性 危险因素 环境污染 遗传 Cardiovascular abnormalities Heart defects, congenital Risk factors Environmental pollution Heredity
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