目的:针对颌面部不对称畸形患者,在计算机上应用正颌手术模拟软件,重建三维头颅模型并模拟正颌手术,通过对术前上颌平面偏斜的角度和模拟正颌术后上颌牙列中线与正中矢状面夹角的分析,得出二者之间的关系,为正颌手术提供参考。方法:选择在中国医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科就诊的20位颌面部不对称畸形患者进行研究,首先用三维CT影像重建出头颅模型,测量上颌平面与水平参考面的夹角,再利用软件模拟上颌Le FortⅠ型截骨,测量上颌牙列中线与正中矢状面的夹角,最后应用统计学软件进行统计分析,得出两个角度间的关系。结果:颌面部不对称畸形患者,上颌平面和水平参考面的夹角与上颌牙列中线和正中矢状面夹角存在正相关的线性关系,经过统计学分析,得到上颌平面和水平参考面的夹角X与上颌牙列中线与正中矢状面夹角Y的直线回归方程,为Y=1.997+12.109X。结论:颌面部不对称畸形患者,上颌平面偏斜对牙列中线与正中矢状面的吻合度存在相关性,该相关性可为正颌手术的整复提供原则性的参考。
Objective: To analyze the variable parameters of occlusal plane asymmetric angle before surgery and dental midline and central sagittal plane angle after simulate surgery,and the relationship of the two angles in order to provide reference to orthognathic surgery.Methods: 20 maxillofacial deformity patients were consisted in this study.Skulls were reconstructed with three-dimensional CT image,then occlusal plane asymmetric angle was measured using computer software.After simulate maxillary Le Fort Ⅰ osteotomy,the angle of maxillary dental midline and central sagittal plane,were measured.These two angles were analyzed its relationship by a statistics software.Results: A positive correlation between the angle of occlusal plane with horizon plane and the angle of dental midline with central sagittal plane in these maxillofacial deformity patients were observed.The linear regression equation is Y = 1.997+12.109X.Conclusion: The angle of occlusal plane with horizon plane before surgery in maxillofacial asymmetry deformity patients has correlation with the angle of maxillary dental midline with central sagittal plane after surgery.The correlation may provide a principle evidence in restoration of orthognathic surgery.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial
asymmetry deformity
central sagittal plane
dental midline