
60例艾滋病合并肺结核的临床观察 被引量:6

Clinical Observation of 60 Cases AIDS Patients Complicated with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
摘要 目的:对60例艾滋病合并肺结核的治疗效果进行观察与分析,以期提高临床疗效、改善患者生活质量及延长其生存期。方法:选取符合艾滋病合并肺结核诊断标准的患者共计60例且给予对症处理、一般支持治疗和抗病毒治疗及抗结核治疗等综合性治疗方案,同时对60例患者不同时间段治疗效果和生活质量进行观察与相关数据统计分析。结果:痰结核菌转阴率为70.00%、死亡为1.67%,而治疗前后患者生活质量得以明显改善(P<0.05)。结论:对于艾滋病合并肺结核的治疗采取艾滋病和肺结核同治的综合性治疗方案对提高临床疗效可以起到事半功倍的效果。 Objective: To observe and analyze the treatment of 60 patients with AIDS complicated with tuberculosis,to improve clinical outcomes,patients' quality of life and prolong their survival.Method:Sixty patients with AIDS complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis were selected and were given proper treatment,integrated treatment programs for the general support and anti-viral treatment and anti-TB treatment;and then observed and analyzed the effect and quality of life of the 60 patients at different periods.Result:The sputum negative conversion rate was 70.00%,The death rate was 1.67%,Quality of life can be significantly improved before and after treatment(P0.05).Conclusion:For the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with AIDS,It suggests that take a comprehensive program of AIDS and tuberculosis treatment at the same time with a multiplier effect.
作者 廖炯 黄萍
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2012年第4期459-461,共3页 Hebei Medicine
关键词 艾滋病 肺结核 治疗 效果 AIDS Tuberculosis Treatment Effect
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