光纤通信是现今数据通信系统的主要通信方式,其性能的好坏直接影响数据通信系统的质量。本文采用Ver-ilog语言实现FPGA光纤通信系统的功能。光纤通信系统又包含位同步时钟提取模块、8B/10B编解码器模块和NRZI编解器模块;这些模块都利用了DA(Design Analyzer)、Quartus II以及Modelsim等EDA工具来完成综合与仿真,从仿真的结果可以看出该设计方法很好地满足了系统的要求。
Now optical fiber communication is the main method of communication in data communication systems,its performance has a direct impact on the quality of data communication systems.In this paper,the implementation of optical fiber communication system uses the FPGA Verilog language.The optical fiber communication system includes extraction of bit synchronization signal module,8B/10B code/decode module and NRZI code/decode module.All of these modules are synthesized and simulated by EDA tools of DA(Design Analyzer),Quartus II and Modelsim,etc,and from the simulation results can be seen that a good design to meet the system requirements.
Electronic Design Engineering