
树形分子包覆的ZnS量子点对潜指纹的荧光标记成像研究 被引量:4

Fluorescent Labeling of Latent Fingerprints with PAMAM Capped ZnS QDs
摘要 在Zn2+离子与聚酰胺-胺(PAMAM)树形分子配位的基础上,制备了稳定的PAMAM树形分子包覆的ZnS量子点(quantum dots,QDs),并用紫外-可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)和荧光发射光谱进行了表征。结果表明,Zn2+离子能与PAMAM树形分子发生配位络合作用,且饱和配位时间为6h;在波长365nm紫外光的激发下,PAMAM树形分子包覆的ZnS量子点发射出明亮的蓝色荧光,荧光发射峰约位于450nm。最后,将得到的PAMAM树形分子包覆的ZnS量子点纳米复合材料应用于锡纸上潜指纹的荧光标记成像研究,发现指纹可以被清晰识别,呈现明亮的蓝色荧光指纹。 Stable PAMAM(polyamidoamine) capped ZnS(zinc sulfide) QDs(quantum dots) were prepared and characterized with UV-Vis spectrum and PL(photoluminescence) emission spectrum on the base of coordination of Zn2+ ions with PAMAM dendrimers.The results show that Zn2+ ions coordinated with N atoms of PAMAM ligand and the saturated coordinating time is about 6 h;PAMAM capped ZnS QDs emitted strong blue light under the irradiation of UV light at the wavelength of 365 nm,and the PL emission peak is at about 500 nm.Finally,the prepared PAMAM capped ZnS QDs were applied in the fluorescent labeling of latent fingerprints on tinfoils;Latent fingerprints emitting strong blue light and were successfully detected with good resolving rate.
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1278-1281,共4页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2010AA065103) 北京市大学生科学研究与创业行动计划建设项目 北京市教委教育委员会科技计划面上项目(KM201210011010) 北京工商大学本科生科技立项资助
关键词 硫化锌(ZnS) 量子点(QDS) PAMAM(聚酰胺-胺树形分子) 光致发光 指纹 荧光标记 Zinc sulfide(ZnS) Quantum dots(QDs) Polyamidoamine(PAMAM) Photoluminescence Fingerprints Fluorescent labeling
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