
量子线中弱耦合束缚磁极化子激发态的性质 被引量:7

Properties of Excited State of Weak-coupling Bound Magnetpolaron in Quantum Wires
摘要 从电子与体纵光学声子(LO声子)体系的哈密顿量出发,采用Huybrenchts的线性组合算符及幺正变换方法研究了在磁场作用下抛物量子线中弱耦合束缚极化子的激发能量、第一内部激发态能量和振动频率,并对其进行了数值计算,数值计算结果表明:抛物量子线中弱耦合束缚磁极化子的第一内部激发态能量随库仑束缚势的增加而减少,随约束强度和磁场回旋频率的增加而增大;激发能量和振动频率随约束强度、磁场回旋频率和库仑束缚势的增加而增大。 The properties of excited state of weak-coupling bound magnetopolaron in parabol- ic quantum wires are studied by using Huybrenchts's linear combination operator and the unitary transformation method. The excitation energy, the first internal excited energy and the vibration frequency have been calculated and numerical calculations have been also performed. Results show that the first internal excited state energy decreases as Coulomb bound potential enhancing, while it increase with increasing confinement strength and the cyclotron frequency of the magnetic field, and the excitation energy and the vibration frequency enhance when the Coulomb bound po- tential, confinement strength and the cyclotron frequency of the magnetic field increasing.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期101-104,共4页 Research & Progress of SSE
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(0347004) 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目(20080404MS0109)
关键词 量子线 束缚磁极化子 弱耦合 激发态 quantum wire bound magnetopolaron weak-coupling excited state
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