
猪肉解冻过程中损伤型气单胞菌的检测及失活模型构建 被引量:4

Detection and Inactivation Modeling of Injured Aeromonas spp. in Thawing Pork
摘要 研究猪肉在解冻过程中其表面的损伤型气单胞菌检测和生长模型的构建。以含质量分数0.6%酵母浸膏的胰酪胨大豆琼脂(TSAYE)为选择培养基,气单胞菌的损伤培养基中分别添加质量分数1.0%、1.5%、2.0%、2.5%、3.0%的NaCl,经差异显著性分析得出TSAYE+1.5%NaCl作为合适损伤培养基并用于后续研究。损伤型气单胞菌的数量采用普通培养基的菌落数与损伤培养基的菌落数之差来计数。猪肉在25℃解冻过程中,损伤型气单胞菌的修复时间大约为75min,其失活符合Polynomial模型(R2=0.9937)及Boltzmann模型(R2=0.9884),通过模型的检验选择Polynomial模型拟合损伤型气单胞菌的失活过程。 In order to detect injuredAeromonas spp. and establish its inactivation model on the surface of thawing pork, TSAYE containing 0.6% yeast extract was selected and TSAYE supplemented with NaC1 at various concentrations (I.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0%) were used to culture Aeromonas spp. The results showed that TSAYE supplemented with 1.5% NaC1 was the optimal injury medium. The number of injuredAeromonas spp. colonies was counted based on difference between ordinary medium and injury medium. This study indicated that the restoration 6me ofAeromonas spp. during the thawing process of pork at 25 ℃ was approximately 75 min, and the inactivation curve could be fitted with Polynomial model (R2 -0.9937) and Boltzrnann model (R2 = 0.9884), respectively. Moreover, polynomial model could better fit the inactivation process. This result can provide a theoretical reference for the detection and prediction of injured Aeromonas spp. in meat and meat products.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期219-222,共4页 Food Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(308008640)
关键词 气单胞菌 损伤 Boltzmann模型 Polynomial模型 解冻猪肉 Aeromonas spp. injury Boltzmann model polynomial model thawing pork
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