
教育与城市竞争力的关联性研究 被引量:9

Research on the Relevance between Education and City Competitiveness
摘要 选取从2000年到2009年的数据,观察十年来教育改革和调整为城市竞争力带来的影响。从所选样本城市来看,基础教育资源稀缺的现象普遍存在,这说明不仅是农村或偏远地区基础教育有待发展,较为富裕的城市同样需要在基础教育方面加大投入。就高等教育而言,一方面高等教育与城市竞争力的关系越来越密切,但另一方面,能够在高教改革与城市竞争力之间建立直接关联的城市屈指可数,这在客观上挫伤了城市政府对高等教育进行长期投入的积极性。职业教育被认为是经济转型及产业升级的重要工具。 With the data from 2000 to 2009, the research on the influence of educational reform and regulation on the competitiveness of city has been surveyed. From the sample of the cities, it is found out the scarcity of basic educational resources is normal, which indicates that not only the basic education in the rural areas or the remote regions remains to be developed, but also the relative wealthier cities need enlarge investment in basic education. As for higher education, on the one hand, the relationship between higher education and city competitiveness is becoming more and more frequent; on the other hand, fewer cities could be able to establish the immediate relationship between higher educational reform and city competitiveness, and that has objectively affected the enthusiasm of the long-term investment of the government of the city on higher education. Vocational education could be regarded as the important tool for the economic transition and the upgrade of industries.
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期29-34,共6页 Educational Research
关键词 城市教育 城市竞争力 基础教育 高等教育 职业教育 city education, city competitiveness, basic education, higher education, vocational education
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