
企业异质性、规模报酬与劳动力空间流动——基于新新经济地理学的理论研究 被引量:4

Firm Heterogeneity,Returns to Scale and Spatial Flow of Labor:Theoretical Analysis Based on New-new Economic Geography
摘要 文章在对新新经济地理学假设进行拓展的基础上,从理论分析和数值模拟两个层面对企业异质性、规模报酬与劳动力空间流动进行了系统的研究,结论是:地区间企业生产技术水平的不同决定了企业与劳动力的转移方向,企业的生产技术水平与固定成本呈正向变动关系;落后地区和发达地区的发展与彼此对外市场开放相互依赖;由于落后地区总有一定的市场需求,棒—棒均衡在现实中存在的可能性很小。 By extending new-new economic geography,this paper systematically studies firm heterogeheity,returns to scale and spatial flow of labor from the angle of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.The results are as follows: firstly,the spatial transfer of firms and labor is determined by the level of interregional corporate production technology and the alteration of corporate fixed costs is positively related to the level of corporate production technology;secondly,the development of backward and developed areas and their own market openness are interdependent;thirdly,owing to some certain market demand in backward areas,bang-bang equilibrium is unlikely to occur in the reality.
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期114-122,共9页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社科基金项目(09CJL034) 西南财经大学校管课题(2010XG043) 西南民族大学中央高校项目(11SZYTH02)和西南民族大学研究生学位点建设项目(2011XWD-S0202)的资助
关键词 企业异质性 规模报酬 劳动力空间流动 firm heterogeneity return to scale spatial flow of labor
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