
互联网时代中国新闻舆论监督的发展态势——基于传媒公共性的考察 被引量:5

The Situation of China's Watchdog Journalism in the Age of Internet:Based on the Study of Media Publicness
摘要 自20世纪80年代改革开放以来,中国社会重启了新闻媒体对公共权力的舆论监督之路。进入21世纪,伴随着互联网的普及,新闻舆论监督发展迅猛。客观地说,基于中国持存的"大政府,小社会"的社会结构和"一元体制,二元运行"的媒体制度,在互联网时代,传媒公共性尤其是网络公共性潜能的发挥程度将深刻地规定着中国新闻舆论监督的未来发展态势。 At the beginning of reforming and opening-up in the early 1980s,China re-originated watchdog journalism.Since the beginning of 21st century,with the popularization of Internet,China has a rapid development in watchdog journalism.Objectively speaking,Given China's traditionally social structure of "Big government,Small society" and media system of "One system,Two functions",that to what degree the potential of media publicness,especially the potential of Internet publicness can be brought out fully would have a great influence on the future of China's watchdog journalism.
作者 李智
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期113-116,共4页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(11&ZD075)
关键词 互联网 新闻舆论监督 发展态势 传媒公共性 Internet watchdog journalism situation media publicness
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