'Master the oil,to survive.' With the more fierce international energy race,and Chinese continuous and high speed economy development,the oil and gas industry has become a major issue of China economic development and social progress.It is closely linked with harmonious society construction and sustainable development strategy.So,the oil and gas development to the necessity of the industry theory becomes more prominent.March,《Chinese oil and gas industry development analysis and prospect of Chinese report(2011-2012)》,edited by PengYuanZheng,DongXiuCheng,completed by China petroleum enterprise association and China oil and gas industry development research center of China University Of Petroleum was issued.This is the present domestic only a blue book,which analyze and study China oil and gas industry current situation and development trend comprehensively.It is pressed by year.It is a miracle among oil and gas theory.It has a strong theoretical guidance for the development of oil and gas industry.It has reference value to the establishment of strategy policy.
China Petroleum Enterprise