First published in Shanghai in 1931,the magazine of "Linglong" derived its name from "Linglong Pictoral Magazine",which later renamed into "Linglong Women's Magazine".It published a total of 298 issues before coming to an end in 1937 because of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War."Linglong" had fulfilled its historical missions in a special era(1931-1937) in the following respects: it started an enthusiastic women's reformation movement in China with the help of the Hollywood star culture;it urged the Chinese women,with the power of Hollywood stars,to reject their traditional image of a lady and to embrace some masculine characteristics,which undoubtedly reflected the silent call for women during the war time;and at the same time,it offered a chance,though slim,for the Chinese women under thousands of years of oppression to break the traditions.It expressed an unusual sympathy and affection for the misery that Chinese women had suffered to struggle for independence through its wild beautification of the impossible-to-change ideology of man superiority and woman inferiority and its exciting and optimistic softening of the rigid fact with the humor and proudness unique to women.
Journal of Guizhou University Art Edition
movie star
feminine consciousness