
电视与博客关于反式脂肪酸媒介事件的传播过程及科学性分析 被引量:1

Analysis of television programs and blogs concerning Trans Fatty Acids Media Event
摘要 目的了解反式脂肪酸健康危害事件的传播过程,对有关信息的科学性及受众反应进行分析,探讨其中的影响因素。方法对2010年10—12月央视节目、新浪博客文本抽样,针对用户及媒体关注度的时间变化和传播内容,分析有关信息的传播过程及其影响因素,用框架分析法分析其中健康信息的科学性和受众评价情况。结果 2010年11—12月,食品中的反式脂肪酸引起的两波社会关注度突起,与央视报道存在明显的时间顺序关系,也与危害夸大的说法有关;报道内容与权威机构评价报告的观点相比,对反式脂肪酸危害描述涉及的人体系统过多、效应过于绝对化、未正确阐述危害的剂量效应关系。约14.37%博文评论表示担忧。结论央视报道引发了社会对食品中反式脂肪酸的关注,媒介事件中的传播内容科学性不足,对反式脂肪酸危害的夸大报道可引起社会的异常关注。 Objective To find out the process of trans fatty acids health hazard related media event, analysis the scientific nature of the information, audience effect, and their influene factors. Methods CCTV programs and Sina Blogs were investigated from October to December in 2010. Communication progress and its influence factor were analyzed by fluctuation of users' attention and media attention data in different periods and content of information. Scientific nature of information and audience effect were analyzed by framework method. Results From November to December in 2010, trans fatty acids in food attracted public attention twice, and showed remarkable relationship with CCTV reports and hazard exag- gerated. Compared to opinions from authoritative academic evaluation reports, CCTV reports' and Sina Blogs description a- bout hazard of trans fatty acids in food involved more systems, more absolute effects and inaccurate dose-effect relationship. About 14. 37% of Sina Blogs showed worriness in their comment. Conclusion CCTV reports and Sina Blogs caught public attention towards trans fatty acids in food. But public unusual attention would be caused by lack of scientific information and exaggerate hazard in media.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2012年第3期201-205,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 反式脂肪酸 健康传播 内容分析 媒介事件 Trans fatty acids Health communication Content analysis Media event
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