
贸易救济案件中的“市场经济地位”问题——基于中美双反案和中欧紧固件案的研究 被引量:7

The Issue of “Market Economy Status” in Trade Remedy Cases: Lessons from China–US Double Remedy Case and China–EU Certain Iron or Steel Fastener Case
摘要 "非市场经济地位"问题长期困扰着中国出口企业。文章以此问题为切入点,通过对WTO上诉机构对中美双反案和中欧紧固件反倾销案的两份裁决的研究,认为这两份裁决分别从不同侧面表明,身处"非市场经济地位"的企业和获得"市场经济地位"待遇的企业在贸易救济案件实践中各有利弊。中国企业即使获得完全市场经济地位,其在未来的贸易救济领域仍然可能遭遇到严峻挑战。中国学界和实务界对此应有清醒认识并提前做好相应准备。 This article discusses a significant issue of "market economy status" Chinese exporters always faced in their overseas trade remedy cases during the past years by analyzing two latest reports of the Appellate Body in the WTO regarding China–US double remedy case and China–EU certain Iron or steel fastener case.It concludes that these two reports indicate respectively,from various perspectives,that both enterprises which are under the "non-market economy status" and enterprises which are granted a "market economy status" have pros and cons in trade remedy practices.Even after obtaining the full market economy status,Chinese enterprises will still face potential severe challenges in the area of trade remedies in future.We should have a clear view of it and make full preparations for future challenges in advance.
作者 俞燕宁
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期168-176,共9页 Journal of International Trade
基金 教育部人文社科研究青年基金项目"国际法上的司法干涉问题研究"(项目号:11YJC820104) 浙江工商大学法学院诉讼法研究中心后期资助项目(SDSS2012YB006)的阶段性成果
关键词 市场经济地位 非市场经济地位 反倾销 反补贴 WTO Market economy status Non-market economy status Anti-dumping Countervailing WTO
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