
一种高效安全的激光能量传输系统的设计仿真 被引量:6

Design and simulation of an efficient and safe laser power transmission system
摘要 激光是无线能量传输中的重要介质之一。该文提出了一种外腔反馈式激光能量传输系统,即在能量接收端安装部分反射镜,将激光部分反射回能量发射端,并对其进行了理论计算,给出了能量激光器输出功率的表达式,对能量激光器的阈值电流、输出功率等随前端面和外腔面反射率变化的情况进行了仿真。仿真结果表明:与传统激光能量传输方式相比,外腔反馈作用可有效地降低能量激光器的阈值电流,增大激光器输出功率,提高能量传输效率,且可根据瞄准度自动调整发射激光强度,提供一种更加安全高效的激光能量传输方法。能量发射激光器前端面的反射率越小,反馈作用对于激光器输出功率的提升越明显。 Laser is an important medium of wireless power transmission. This paper describes an external optical feedback wireless power transmission system (OFBWPT) using a partially reflecting mirror at the power receiver that returns a portion of the laser beam to the power transmitting terminal. A theoretical analysis of the system is used to model the output power. The variations of the threshold current and output power are predicted for various reflectivities of the front and the external mirrors. The results show that the threshold current is reduced and the power transmission efficiency is improved by the partially reflecting front mirror. These characteristics can be used to automatically adjust the laser intensity by changing the pointing accuracy to maintain safe power transmission. The efficiency improves with lower front mirror reflectivities.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期421-424,435,共5页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51105228)
关键词 激光能量传输 外腔反馈 高效 安全 laser power transmission external optical feedback high efficiency safety
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